Brendan D. Murphy
Host of Truthiverse with Brendan D. Murphy
I’m a strange constellation of attributes, tastes, and talents—impossible to pigeonhole.
I’ve spent about 2 decades and some 15,000+ hours studying the fields of:
- Consciousness, spirituality, psychology, and religion
- Different healing methods, techniques, and systems
- Self-evolution and personal development (“human potential”)
- Conspiracy facts, geopolitics, and the Deep State
- Exopolitics, exobiology, and ufology
- Medicine, Big Pharma, and the war on natural health
- Suppressed history and technology…
- …and much more.
For what?
Freedom! So I could figure out how to live freely, powerfully, vitally, and generously – and then help you do the same.
In short, my “business” is your transformation, embodiment, and freedom.
I’m Australian born and currently weave my magic from Mexico (where the conv!d tyranny is a little less intense)!
🤙 Fun fact:
My 2 most dominant archetypes are the Sage first, and secondly, the Outlaw/Rebel. This is why I'm all about truth, insight, and the deeper nature of things - as well as freedom. I see truth and freedom as interrelated, particularly in a world run by pathological liars.
Bonus archetype: One of my dominant archetypes is the “critic,” meaning I really can’t help but offer (scathing) critiques on matters of great importance to the human family.
I just can't stand bullshit artists and egomaniacs.
Sometimes this even means being a voice of dissent and criticism within the “truth community” itself.
WARNING: I’m a committed non-conformist and paradigm-smasher! As much as I'm building the new paradigm for the nature of consciousness and reality, I'm also avidly destroying the falsehoods humanity has been encumbered by over the last 2,000 years. Nothing is sacrosanct to me. 😉
My mission is to show you how to massively increase your freedom, spirituality, health, and prosperity.
I guess that explains why I have invested all those thousands of hours of time into studying, researching, and investigating consciousness, the nature of reality, and many related subjects.
At the tail end of 2012, aged 29, I published the first yield of some 10,000+ hours of research and experience—The Grand Illusion – Book 1: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality.
Epic though that book is, it’s only the beginning. Knowing is one thing – the next step is to live the truth from our DNA up.
Helping conscious humans like you to create freedom, prosperity, health, and impact is something I take seriously.
Changing the world is an internal process first…
Start with my free masterclass How to Evolve Yourself here: http://evolveyourself.live
Brendan D. Murphy has hosted 80 Episodes.
Episode 80: Exploring PSYOPS With Petra Liverani
November 15th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 9 mins
conspiracy, government, history, politics, psychology
Substack PSYOP analyst Petra Liverani (https://substack.com/@petraliverani) joins Brendan to discuss the Establishment's modus operandi for psychological operations: who they target, how they work, and why. She explains how due to the disbelievers/truthers being intentionally targeted and their responses anticipated, disinformation and propaganda propagates through the alternative community. Topics include 9-11, covid, the moon landings, false flags, and more.
Episode 79: The End of Backwards Medicine with Mari Arce
October 23rd, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 2 mins
anthropology, conspiracy, health, medicine, mental health, science
Marizelle Arce joins Brendan to discuss a fascinating array of health-related subjects, and happily goes where many gurus do not. Mari is a pioneering naturopathic terrain doctor, certified kinesiologist, and (drugless) nutrition expert with a perspective on healthcare that is informed by her diverse upbringing and educational experiences. Mari abandoned conventional medical school after almost 2 years, disheartened by institutionalized thinking. She specializes in nutrition and food education for degenerative diseases as well as biological health, and teaches those interested in Pleomorphism and ancestral medicine, two subjects that are not widely known. In her research she draws on the works of Drs. Weston Price, Gunther Enderlein, and Royal Lee.
Episode 78: Decoded: The physics of consciousness and creation with Dan Winter
July 5th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 21 mins
afterlife, consciousness, death, ghosts, health, implosion, physics
This episode Brendan is joined by the mercurially brilliant Dan Winter. Dan is a pioneer in multiple realms, teaching the physics of consciousness and implosion (among other things). In this episode Dan dances effortlessly across subjects including:
Why objects fall to the ground,
Charge collapse,
Implosion physics,
Aboriginal song lines,
The secrets of Golden Ratio & fractality,
The physics of successful death,
Frequency embedding,
Hydrogen radii and Planck length,
How to have 'soul' in our polluted world,
The physics of why you should talk to trees (seriously),
How the moon affects us during death... and MUCH more.
Strap your thinking cap on tight for this one and do your best to keep up. It'll leave your mind buzzing. -
Episode 77: The Return to Health Wisdom and Truth in Medicine With Daniel Roytas
April 27th, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 32 mins
conspiracy, health, history, medicine, politics
Leading health educator and author Daniel Roytas joins Brendan to discuss his journey from being a naturopath and nutritionist to quitting his job as a lecturer and swinging a wrecking ball through established health dogma. Daniel elucidates the mistakes made in the mainstream health/disease maintenance paradigm, problems with disease labels, the surprisingly simple things the body needs to support its health. He also reveals the way the historical record shows that indigenous peoples overwhelmingly LACKED disease until colonisers arrived and brought their disconnect from nature and self with them. Daniel asks how doctors can help people with "disease" if they don't understand what causes symptoms, and similarly, how they can help people be "healthy" when they don't really understand what that entails either.
We also discuss Daniel's epic new book CAN YOU CATCH A COLD? -
Episode 76: Bosnian Pyramids and the New Earth That's Possible with Dr Sam Osmanagic
March 22nd, 2024 | Season 5 | 1 hr 19 mins
archeology, history, science, spirituality
Dr. Sam Osmanagic has opened a whole new chapter in the World of archaeology. In contrast to the archaeologists at the other sites, he uses an interdisciplinary scientific approach and has demonstrated that the oldest and best pyramids served as energy amplifiers rather than being constructed as tombs. As a result, this energy was used as a communication tool to safeguard health, enhance the molecular composition of water and food, boost immunity, and sharpen spiritual sensibilities. Pyramids were in fact constructed to benefit the local population.
Sam has created a brand-new idea for archaeology: volunteering at the excavation sites. In addition, he created "Park Ravne 2," buying and restoring 10 ha (1 million square feet) of swampy, muddy terrain filled with tones of trash into the most stunning park in Southern Europe. This is just the beginning. Join us to discover just how far beyond the amazing Bosnian pyramid complex Sam's vision extends.
Episode 75: Project Whistleblower: Inside Big Pharma & Alt Media with Justin Leslie
March 7th, 2024 | Season 4 | 2 hrs 9 mins
conspiracy, government, health, medicine, whistleblower
Join me for a shocking insider expose of what goes on behind the scenes at pharma juggernauts like Pfizer - as well as alternative media outlets like Project Veritas (and James O'Keefe's dubious connections and behaviour). Scientist and journalist Justin Leslie is the producer of the film "Project Whistleblower." He worked directly on the COVID-19 Pfizer mRNA vaccine platform from March 2021- April 2022 and spent some time working undercover at Pfizer as part of the Project Veritas team. What he learned - and documented on film - about how drug companies operate is deeply disturbing. Justin also reveals what happened during his time at Project Veritas (founded by O'Keefe) and subsequently working at O'Keefe Media Group. Why was his important information shelved by Project Veritas? What is going on with O'Keefe, is he compromised?
You won't believe your eyes or ears...
Episode 74: 2023 Wrap-up and Awards
December 31st, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 3 mins
conspiracy, government, health, history, politics
A (mostly) lighthearted look at the year gone by with a sprinkling of harsh truths and a dash of basic wisdom thrown in, in signature BDM fashion. We also unveil the (ultra-low-budget) inaugural TRUTHIVERSE award ceremony. Who will the winners of kudos and ignominy be? And what's in the offing for 2024? Tune in and find out.
Episode 73: The Occult Conspiracy to Rule the World With David Whitehead
December 1st, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 5 mins
conspiracy, deep state, government, politics, royalty
David Whitehead joins Brendan to discuss the hidden networks of globalist power that seek to retain control over the masses from behind the scenes (mostly). Who are the would-be powers ruling the world? What circles do they move in? What are the nexus points between these shadowy networks and visible geopolitical activity and known figureheads? David talks about the esoteric knowledge base held and protected by these "elites" for many years now. This episode touches on the divine right to rule, Black Nobility, royal connections to the occult, child trafficking, Vatican involvement, freemasonry, occult symbolism (like the all-seeing eye), divide and conquer tactics, how old traditions became corrupted over time, the private religions and practices of public figures, John of God, and much more.
Episode 72: Shared Death Experiences & The Afterlife with Paul Perry and Raymond Moody
November 3rd, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 8 mins
history, metaphysics, philosophy, religion, spirituality
Is it possible for people to share a loved one's experience of dying? Co-authors Paul Perry and Raymond Moody ("Life After Life") believe so, based on extensive research into the subject, distilled into their new book PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE: 7 REASONS TO BELIEVE THERE IS AN AFTERLIFE. They joined me to discuss their multiple decades of research into near-death experiences (NDEs) and various other aspects of afterlife research, going back to the godfather himself, Plato, and his PHAEDO. Both Paul and Raymond have had NDEs themselves, so they know from experience, not just book learning. We also discuss: Raymond's psychomanteum experiments, the lack of humour (and insight) shared by fundamentalists towards afterlife research, why the NDE may be the root of religion (dating back to ancient Egypt), why "skeptics" of the NDE are really pseudoskeptics, why no one eats their food at dinner parties with Raymond, other "paranormal" experiences relating to death, insights of Parmenides, crystal ball gazing, the origins and nature of truth, David Hume's thoughts on new faculties of mind, the ongoing evolution of consciousness, the need for a new logic to grapple with the afterlife, Queen Elizabeth's scryer John Dee (and the connection to 007), and much more.
Find Part 2 of all episodes and all other premium content at: Truthiversity.com -
Episode 71: Hearing Voices - And Other Adventures In Expanded Perception With Sam Higgins
October 27th, 2023 | Season 4 | 55 mins 13 secs
medicine, mental health, personal development, psychology, spirituality
Sam Higgins had her life turned upside down when she suddenly started hearing voices back in 2007. While this brought elements of confusion, chaos, and intensity into her already interesting life, instead of simply trying to drug them into silence Sam got really curious about the voices and gradually worked on integrating them into her life. Instead of labelling them or herself, Sam decided to see if she could learn both from and with the voices. What are they? Where do they originate from? Are they part of her? How does it all work? The result of her curiosity and openness is that Sam can make for some incredibly interesting conversation on hearing voices, the nature of self, spirituality, and the weirdness of reality in general. Sam's story is one of triumph of the human spirit over internal intensity and chaos, as well as over the limiting concepts and attitudes within the mental health and medical system in general. Ignoring doctors' advice to forget about studying or a career, Sam rose above the stagnant conceptual boxes prescribed for voice hearers in general. Her perspective will undoubtedly challenge and expand people's ideas about what it means to hear voices, and how we can grapple with the phenomenon from a non-dogmatic and adaptive perspective.
Grab Sam's book VISIONARY: ADVENTURES IN EXPANDED PERCEPTION on Amazon.com, or you can email her at: Sam@awakenhq.com for a signed copy if you're in Australia.
Her IG: Samhiggins.love -
Episode 70: Israel and Palestine: An Emergency Truth Broadcast with Joachim Hagopian
October 16th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 18 mins
conspiracy, government, history, israel, politics
Journalist Joachim Hagopian returns to dissect the Israel-Hamas narrative that exploded in the media in recent days, starting October 7th, and see what we're NOT being told about it. We ask some fundamental questions such as, "How could Israel's defence forces have possibly been caught unaware of the Hamas incursion?", and "Who benefits?" Even Israel's media has begun to turn on Bibi Netanyahu, essentially blaming him for the Hamas attack. Joachim observes how the timing of such an event is actually perfect for Israel's PM, but pushes further into the territory where angels fear to tread by looking at the bigger picture, including who really runs Israel, what their goals are, the role of Ashkenazi Jews, the idea of the "Biblical homeland," and much more. Joachim also discusses whether the Hamas attack was set up and planned by Israeli government agents as contrasted against the claim Israel's government forces were "taken by surprise." Was the Hamas event another false flag? Join Joachim and Brendan to find out...
Episode 69: Rising Above the Herd: Conscious Personal Evolution with Joel and Yerasimos
October 5th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 19 mins
coaching, personal development, personal growth, psychology
Co-hosts of the popular 'Here for the Truth' podcast Joel & Yerasimos join Brendan to talk conscious personal evolution and aligning with your authentic self in spite of the Crowd and all the conditioning and programming that leads us away from our individuality.
They discuss:- The hero's journey and individualism
- Repression and armouring
- Wholeness + somatic work in pursuit of self-knowledge
- Human design in the context of PD
- Where are truthers going wrong?
- Who are we as individuals?
- Freedom from unconscious programs holding you back from your true potential
- Fostering self-worth and self-love so you are empowered to live a life you are truly inspired by.
- Reclaiming parts of yourself that have been disowned and repressed since childhood
- Clearing blockages around your relationship with money
- Living your authentic truth
- Integrating your shadow so you can generate greater wholeness and access more of your life-force
- Overcoming the Crowd
➡ Join Joel and Yerasimos in their Rise Above The Herd group coaching program and take your life to the next level:
Discount code: BRENDAN150 -
Episode 68: Forbidden Archeology: Evidence of Extreme Human Antiquity With Michael Cremo
September 15th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 16 mins
archeology, history, religion, science, spirituality
Extreme human antiquity? Forbidden archeologist and author Michael Cremo joins Brendan to discuss his decades-long and detailed research into the question: how old is humanity REALLY? Michael is an expert in the field of suppressed and ignored history, particularly as it pertains to the origins of humankind. Influenced by a long-running interest in the ancient spiritual teachings of India, Cremo shares a wealth of scientific archeological evidence that supports the Vedic notion that humanity is actually millions of years old. His work provides a huge uppercut to the Establishment’s (unproved) theory of Darwinian evolution.
Episode 67: Cracking the Jesus Code: Unpalatable Truths About the New Testament With Ralph Ellis
August 25th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 32 mins
Intrepid independent scholar Ralph Ellis joins Truthiverse again to continue his analysis of key Biblical characters and events, this time the most important one of all: the "Jesus" character. Ralph discusses his extensive research into Edessa and the ancient Edessan monarchy and King Izas Manu, likely the primary historical figure upon whom the Jesus character is based. Ralph is the leading expert on Edessa and its hugely important role in historical events that would ultimately be spun into the distorted Biblical tales. He also discusses major players such as Josephus Flavius, the wealthy Simon Bothus, and Mary Magdalene (aka Mary Bothus, the richest woman in the Near East) who married "Jesus of Gamla". Discover who the "fisher of men" really was - grown up pants mandatory.
Episode 66: Spilling the Secrets of the Sphinx: Solving One of History’s Greatest Mysteries with Rob Neyland
August 16th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 16 mins
ancient history, egypt, egyptology, history
Champion competitive sculptor and history buff Rob Neyland (FreetheLioness.com) joins me to discuss his fascinating and ground-breaking research into the true nature and history of the famous Egyptian Sphinx. Rob is known for using his advanced skills as a sculptor to create a stunning miniature "re-carving" of the Sphinx with a very different head to the one we currently see. Listen in to the conversation and see some of the ways our Egyptology (and general history) books need to be re-written.
Episode 65: The Saturn Death Cult Revealed: The Ancient Key to Today's Historical Enigmas With Troy McLachlan
July 21st, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 9 mins
cosmology, history, mythology
Troy McLachlan joins me to discuss his outstanding research into what he calls the Saturn Death Cult. Drawing on research from Velikovsky through to the Electric Universe paradigm, as well as conspiracies, finance, and more, he weaves a fascinating historical and cosmological tapestry, adeptly painting the picture of what life on earth may have been like pre-120,000 years ago, and how the firmament likely appeared to our ancestors (hint: VERY differently!), and how and why it changed at key moments. This leads him into who and what the Saturn Death Cult is, and its ongoing influence and activity in the world today. McLachlan's work also offers alternative explanations of a number of core ideas in the Abrahamic religions, including the "eye of God", the "let there be light" moment, the “mark of Cain”, what the Biblical “void” really was, as well as making the compelling case that cultures around the world witnessed and recorded shocking events in the heavens and preserved them in myth and symbol. Don't miss this.