Michael Tsarion
Special guest
Michael Tsarion is an Irish author, researcher and public speaker.
Raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland, during the height of the “Troubles,” Michael began his revisionist studies by analyzing subliminal images in pop videos, billboards and magazine ad copy. He also began studying criminology and satanic cults after a spate of bizarre ritualistic murders occurred in Belfast in the mid-1970s.
After twice visiting the United States in the early eighties, Michael ventured out into the field to make a close study of Ireland’s numerous ancient cyclopean ruins and megalithic sites. This research proved invaluable and provided him with clear evidence of a “hidden hand” at work behind academia, religion and the socio-political world. His interest in Ireland’s past was chiefly inspired, in 1978, by the music of Andy Irvine and by Irish artist Jim Fitzpatrick, author of the outstanding Book of Conquests. Jim has since complimented Michael on his works.
Brought up by staunchly Marxist parents, Michael became intimately aware of the fraud of Socialism from an early age. He was also convinced that the story of the First and Second World Wars had been utterly misconstrued by the media. The calculated destruction of Celtic, Germanic and Nordic culture remains a central interest.
Through his association with the Paul Solomon Foundation and his own world-renowned grandfather, Tara Singh, Michael witnessed at close hand key figures and orgs in the “New Age Movement,” and was able to see not only the movement's occult underpinnings but its ability to create specific forms of delusion and magical child syndrome in those who blindly follow most Eastern and New Age precepts and personalities.
After a third short visit to the United States, in 1988, Michael moved permanently to the Bay Area in late 1989. Thereafter, for ten solid years, he studied film, philosophy and esoteric subjects intensely, eventually leading to his first television and radio appearances in 1998. That same year he created his first website, taroscopes.com, which featured his Taroscopic Mystery School. The website and online school are dedicated to the research and advancement of the four great Hermetic arts, and accepts members from all parts of the globe.
Michael’s tutorials in the Divination Arts began in 1997 in the San Francisco Bay Area. These weekly in-person classes on his Taroscopic System continued after his move to Seattle in 2001. Classes in the Washington area continued for three years. During these years, Michael also gave many public talks at conferences and other venues throughout the West Coast. As other projects demanded attention, his Astrology and Tarot classes moved exclusively online.
Veterans of the revisionist community, such as Richard Hoagland, Anthony Hilder, Roger Leir, Jim Marrs, Lloyd Pie, Ken Thomas, Jeff Rense, George Noory, Ted Gunderson, and many others, praise Michael’s unique perspectives and delivery. Several times a year he has been invited to give presentations on controversial topics. He has also been a frequent guest on numerous popular radio talk shows.
In 2002 Michael wrote and published his first book, Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation. It was widely acclaimed by veterans in the fields of Ufology and Paranormal studies.
In 2004 Michael began work on the Origins and Oracles series. He produced 6 programs with over fifty hours of eye-opening revelations on Atlantis, Symbolism, and other subjects.
In 2005 Michael began work on his second book, The Irish Origins of Civilization, a magnum opus in two volumes, dealing with the true but long-suppressed history of Ireland and the West. Michael also wrote and narrated a multi-hour program on the same subject.
In 2006 Michael appeared on the Sci-Fi Channel’s program “Quest of Atlantis.” That same year he was interviewed by Brent Miller for the “Horizon” series on ancient catastrophe and pole shifts. In recent years he has been repeatedly invited by the History Channel and other mainstream programs and channels.
In 2007 Michael wrote his third book, Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology, and subsequently toured Britain, Europe and Australia, giving one-of-a-kind presentations on:
- The Western Magical Tradition
- The Hermetic Arts of Divination
- Atlantis & Prehistoric Civilizations
- The Occult History of Ireland
- The Druids & Tree Worship
- Astro-Theology
- Subversive Symbolism
- Symbolic Literacy
- Psychic Vampirism
- Germanophobia
- The Female Illuminati
- Western Mysticism & Idealism
- Philosophy of Aesthetics
- The War on Consciousness
- Female Psychology
In 2009 Michael released the acclaimed film Architects of Control, which predicted the course of future history and the advent of so-called Post-Human World. The program emphasized that the new millennium signals the end of one phase of humanity and the beginning of a new dystopian phase.
In 2014 Michael produced The Female Illuminati, a seven-hour plus magnum opus offering a unique and controversial perspective on the origin of the world’s most powerful secret societies.
In 2017 Michael completed his inspiring Path of the Fool series of 22 episodes on the symbolism of the Major Arcana.
In recent years Michael's has continued to produce over a dozen separate websites and channels. His output on conspiracy, psychology and philosophy, etc, includes numerous articles as well as the following books:
- Disciples of the Mysterium (2012)
- Trees of Life (2012)
- Path of the Fool (2013)
- Cards on Houses (2016)
- Schelling: Understanding German Idealism (2016)
- Dragon Mother: A New Look at the Female Psyche (2017)
- Adultism: The Reign of the Terrible Mother (2019)
- Existentialism & the Search for Meaning (forthcoming)
Michael's musical projects are available for listeners at mtsarmusic.com.
He is now concentrating on producing exclusive top-drawer content for Unslaved’s premium members.
Michael is based in Seattle, Washington. Log on to his unslaved website to view vids and programs.
Contact Michael at neter@jps.net
Michael Tsarion has been a guest on 3 episodes.
Episode 50: Dragon Mother: Female Pathology, Terrible Mothers & Neofeminism Revealed with Michael Tsarion
September 1st, 2022 | Season 3 | 1 hr 38 mins
feminism, mental health, psychology
In this episode of Truthiverse podcast renowned Irish researcher Michael Tsarion joined me for a conversation long overdue. He demonstrates how different factors have obscured the pathology of womankind, while constantly distracting society with warped tractates against men. One of the symptoms of this perpetual distraction has been the perennial obfuscation of the crimes of women and—one of the greatest taboos—the psychological violence of Terrible Mothers (not all mothers) against their own children from the moment of conception, an insidious plague deserving of serious attention, as it happens to form the basis of most of society’s pathology. By objectively studying what most people refuse to, Michael’s researches have revealed the enormity of the social and personal damage created by unbalanced women and the institutionalised pathology that enables a socially destructive ideology that ultimately seeks to destroy everything worthy in Western civilisation. Michael provides the remedy to the social poison of this warped thinking in spectacular fashion so men and women can move forward together constructively, working through our collective issues collaboratively without insidious agendas or distorted views of each other.
Find Michael's related content at: DragonMother.org -
Episode 33: A Conscious Life in Zombie Land - Part 2 with Michael Tsarion
May 21st, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 13 mins
occult, psychology, tarot
Michael Tsarion is a renowned Irish researcher, writer, and speaker on many esoteric and occult subjects, along with revisionist history, psychology, symbolism, mythology, and loads more. In this episode of Truthiverse podcast we continued parsing through Michael's fascinating and gruelling personal journey through life as a soldier of truth devoted to awareness-raising, from troubled Belfast to the Bay Area of California where he drove a taxi to make ends meet. We cover a lot of ground, including Leftist cancel culture, the feminisation of civilisation, to be in the world or not to be, why Michael hated the New Age movement for many years, how to be of service without destroying yourself, childbirth & parenting, personal sacrifices made in pursuing The Work over many years, Jim Keith's work on mass mind control, the madness of "pandemic 2020", and much more.
After twice visiting the United States in the early eighties, Michael ventured out into the field to make a close study of Ireland’s numerous ancient cyclopean ruins and megalithic sites. This research proved invaluable and provided him with clear evidence of a “hidden hand” at work behind academia, religion and the socio-political world.
Episode 32: A Conscious Life in Zombie Land
May 7th, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 17 mins
esoteric, philosophy, psychology
Michael Tsarion is a renowned Irish researcher, writer, and speaker on many esoteric subjects, along with revisionist history, psychology, and more. In this episode of Truthiverse podcast we dove into Michael's interesting personal journey through life as a soldier of truth devoted to awareness-raising, from Belfast to the Bay Area of California. He details his recovery from depression to the resistance and hostility he was met with from the many uncomprehending people he continued to encounter all along the way, as well as the key events that moved his life in the direction of becoming a public figure, and his warm reception by his colleagues in the alternative community. He shares his long-time affinity for psychology and thoughts on: modern academia, the plagiarism of Julian Jaynes' work, the resistance to intellectual freedom, the spirit of rebellion and concomitant intensification of evil, the feminisation of men, his de-platforming from social media, debating "NPCs", Trump, Ayn Rand, the toxic Left, censorship, how women and feminists have dropped the ball on female psychology - and how this fuels the rise of tyranny, Freud, "living in the word", and much more.