Joachim Hagopian
Special guest
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former Army officer who has written a compelling manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.”
In addition to being a personal memoir, it exposes a faulty military leadership system based on one’s capacity to be an order-follower, enforce arbitrary, asinine rules and engage in the psychopathic art of ingratiation. It’s based on ticket punching one’s way up the seniority system ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest along the way, leaving mediocrity and ass kissing order followers to rise to the top as America’s politician-bureaucrat generals in charge of losing US wars by elitist design.
West Point fails miserably to instill integrity in its leaders and equally fails to teach and train positive genuine leadership skills to its officer corps.
After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he battled the largest county child protective service in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.
LA County Children’s Court regularly endangered Joachim's clients, afflicting more harm and abuse by making life and death decisions clearly not in their best interest. The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well for working as a researcher and journalist exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflicts far more harm than good.
As an independent journalist focusing on geopolitics, international relations, globalization and US Empire imperialism for over a half dozen years, Joachim has written hundreds of articles published on numerous alternative news sites, foremost among them: GlobalResearch, Sott.net and LewRockwell.com.
He continues writing the A-Z sourcebook exposing the global pedophilia epidemic entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State.
The book can be read for free on his blog site
http://empireexposed.blogspot.com/ or
https://pedoempire.org/ or http://tinyurl.com/pedoempire
The first thirty-nine chapters selling mostly for .99 each on Amazon Kindle remain best sellers in child advocacy, politics and social sciences categories.
Donations are welcomed at paypal.me/AuthorJH
Joachim Hagopian has been a guest on 3 episodes.
Episode 70: Israel and Palestine: An Emergency Truth Broadcast with Joachim Hagopian
October 16th, 2023 | Season 4 | 1 hr 18 mins
conspiracy, government, history, israel, politics
Journalist Joachim Hagopian returns to dissect the Israel-Hamas narrative that exploded in the media in recent days, starting October 7th, and see what we're NOT being told about it. We ask some fundamental questions such as, "How could Israel's defence forces have possibly been caught unaware of the Hamas incursion?", and "Who benefits?" Even Israel's media has begun to turn on Bibi Netanyahu, essentially blaming him for the Hamas attack. Joachim observes how the timing of such an event is actually perfect for Israel's PM, but pushes further into the territory where angels fear to tread by looking at the bigger picture, including who really runs Israel, what their goals are, the role of Ashkenazi Jews, the idea of the "Biblical homeland," and much more. Joachim also discusses whether the Hamas attack was set up and planned by Israeli government agents as contrasted against the claim Israel's government forces were "taken by surprise." Was the Hamas event another false flag? Join Joachim and Brendan to find out...
Episode 46: The Truth About Ukraine and Russia with Joachim Hagopian
May 22nd, 2022 | Season 3 | 1 hr 54 mins
conspiracy, news, politics, war
Former Army officer and West Point graduate Joachim Hagopian joins me for a detailed, sweeping, and frequently eye-opening discussion of what's REALLY going on in Ukraine, and why Russia supposedly "invaded." The media portrays it as an arbitrary invasion motivated by greed and bloodlust, but what if nothing could be further from the truth? What if the Western Powers are actually covertly using Ukraine to fight a proxy war for them? Are we on the brink of a WW3 - or has it already started? What does the Biden Crime Family have to do with Ukraine? Why did every Big Tech platform switch from "covid mode" into "I stand with Ukraine mode" in unison overnight? Is Ukraine a major nexus of child, drug, and weapons trafficking? Is Vladimir Putin trying to eradicate the last remaining Nazi strongholds in Ukraine - while also fending off the "Illuminati" Elite's attack on Russia? There is clearly MUCH more going on in Ukraine than the controlled media is letting on. Hagopian blows the lid off the whole charade.
Episode 13: Ending Child Trafficking with Joachim Hagopian
October 7th, 2020 | Season 1 | 59 mins 34 secs
child trafficking, conspiracy, pedogate, pedophilia, pizzagate
Joachim Hagopian has compiled perhaps the most comprehensive overview and study of the global pedophile networks of anyone on the planet. A former West Point graduate and army officer, he has seen the pathology of power and compliance up close and personal - as well as working as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than 25 years. Joachim took some time to dig into the structure and functioning of the global child trafficking / pedophile networks with me, explicating some of his excellent and comprehensive research for us. If "pedogate" and "pizzagate" are terms that mean anything to you then you'll definitely want to hear what Joachim has to say - his work has been endorsed by many, including ex-CIA officer Robert David Steele (who I spoke with in episode 3).