Gerard Bini
Special guest
I am an intuitive Building Biologist with over 20 years’ experience in Building Biology and I am also the manufacturer of EMF harmonizing tools/products.
I was originally trained in dowsing by members of the Victorian Dowsing Society back in 1998, which is a traditional method of using specialized tools for detecting radiation fields from earth radiation, and electrical and radio frequency generating appliances.
I started to manufacture my own harmonizers for my consultancy work in 2000 out of pure necessity, as there were no efficient EMF harmonizers available in Australia. I created my Orgonium® process to produce EMF harmonizers using my developed intuitive skills.
Over the last 20 years, l researched, mainly through my own consultancy work, many different types of radiation fields which no EMF meter would or could measure. This is because EMF meters are only calibrated to measure RF and microwave and electrical radiation, however, with very poor accuracy.
The types of fields l researched and documented were human-generated Bioplasmic fields, and different types of Earth Radiation magnetic grid lines and Geoelectric fields.
In the end, what I personally discovered, was that l had found the missing information required to completely harmonize any property with no remaining fields of harmful positive charge.
We now consult to a world-wide audience and our products are sold to over 20 countries.
We are well regarded by accredited health practitioners who know how to test an EMF harmonizer against the human meridian system, as being the best and most efficient radiation harmonizers available.
Founder & Managing Director
Intuitive Building Biologist
Orgone Effects Australia Pty. Ltd.
Gerard Bini has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Episode 43: The Esoteric Side of EMF Pollution & Cov@x Shedding - and How to Protect Yourself
April 1st, 2022 | Season 3 | 1 hr 15 mins
conspiracy, esoteric, medicine, spirituality
🚨 There is NEW information and perspective here - and a conversation you won't hear happening anywhere else.
Gerard Bini's first appearance on Truthiverse was wildly popular - and so threatening to the Establishment's quackseen narrative that Youtube banned the video as it neared 10k views. Gerard is a building biologist with acute intuitive senses that have been honed over many years of practice. Having known him since 2014 it's my pleasure to introduce a wider audience to his insights and perspective that fill some crucial holes in the standard EMF-health discussion (and share some solutions).
Gerard is a maverick and the only building biologist I know who works with what some call "subtle energies", not just the ones you can measure with an RF meter, for instance. ⚡️ More people are starting to realise that it's not simply electronic devices that pose a potential risk to our health, it's also geopathic fields, toxic human emotion emanated from the biofield, "death imprints," and of course, anyone who was mad enough to receive the covid jab and become a transhuman emitter of toxic (positively charged) electromagnetic frequencies.
In this episode we explain WHY these things can be problematic for our health and, of course, what to do about it. 👊🏼
Episode 37: Covax Shedding and Graphene Oxide: A Subtle Energy Perspective with Gerard Bini
July 31st, 2021 | Season 2 | 1 hr 22 mins
conspiracy, medicine, pandemic, spirituality
Gerard Bini is a building biologist with acute intuitive senses that have been honed over many years of practice. Having known him since 2014 I've been meaning to have him on the show for some time now, and finally he joins me to discuss graphene oxide and its impact on the human biofield. Graphene oxide has just landed on the research community's radar since it was identified as a key ingredient in the covid-19 jabs. It is an expanding multi-billion dollar global industry that investors are salivating over - but at what cost? Gerard's specialty is reading bio-energy and geoelectrical fields, working with his own harmoniser technology to neutralise toxic electromagnetic influences (including toxic human bioplasmic fields). His perspective clashes in some key ways with that of many in the industry whose technology doesn't address the CHARGE quality of the EM fields in question, nor the issue of human biofields. Gerard fills the holes left in the discussion. For starters, the human biofield is negatively charged, while graphene oxide carries a positive charge - along with our electronic devices which generate a harmful positive charge - but that's just the beginning of the story.
Central to our discussion was what kind of effect graphene oxide has on the biofield, and how the "shedding" phenomenon actually works.
I have been asked by people for my opinion on the role of spike proteins in the "shedding" phenomenon and what may be causing the many concerning symptoms in people who have NOT received the C19 jab, but who have merely been in contact with others who have. I leaned in the direction of a resonance explanation initially in accounting for the mystery illnesses, and Gerard's research confirms these suspicions - except with a focus on graphene oxide rather than the infamous "spike protein". He explains his observations of what the graphene oxide does to the human biofield and WHY, as well as how "shedding" works, and what can be done about it.Also covered in the show: the difference between the biofield of a corpse and someone who had the C19 jab; how concerned do we need to be about 5G; what 5G street lights do; geopathic stress, houses as resonant cavities; what the biofield "looks" like after someone has had the C19 needle; the general significance of toxic human biofields; death imprints, and much more.